At the end of 2011, Ian was invited to the home of Lynda and Rob Colley in Milton Keynes, who were exploring the possibility of having a kitchen refurbishment. I now know I should have packed him off with sandwiches, as Lynda and Rob didn't just want a refurbishment - oh no - they wanted a Grand Design, and nothing less.
Lynda and Rob's patio doors are directly opposite a doorway leading into their lounge, with the former dining room in between. Lynda's vision was to widen both the patio and living room doors and install bi-fold doors that would open right back, to create one huge inside-to-outside space.
Lynda loves to cook and bake and create gorgeous little chocolately thingys that linger forever on the hips! However Lynda is not the tallest chocolateer and finds working at conventional worktop height uncomfortable; so Ian designed this central seating and working area.
On Sunday 22 April 2012, Lynda posted the following on her Facebook wall:
Ian's dedication and pride in his work is second to none. He was here until seven last night tinkering, just wanting to make sure every little detail was "just so". It is. It is GORGEOUS. We both love it, it's a total joy just to stand in the kitchen/Deck Room and admire the completed project - which I have to say just grew and grew from a new kitchen to walls coming down, ceilings being skimmed, renovations moved to the lounge too. So practically the whole of our downstairs has had the Ian Dennis touch. Thank you Ian (and Karan for her patience and enthusiasm).
And finally there there was this, a beautiful hardbook photobook, stuffed full of gorgeous glossy photos of Lynda and Rob's kitchen and Deck Room, by way of thank you for our contribution. This, quite simply, is the best testimonial we have ever received, and by far the most generous, by every definition of the word.